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来源于 永诚教育网 2024-02-15 03:44


The purpose of his law is o promoe he developme of privae educaio i Chia, proec he legiimae righs ad ieress of privae educaioal isiuios, ad provide qualiy educaio opporuiies for ciizes.


This law applies o all privae educaioal isiuios i Chia, icludig kidergares, primary ad secodary schools, higher educaio isiuios, ad vocaioal raiig isiuios.


Privae educaioal isiuios refer o educaioal isiuios ha are esablished ad operaed by idividuals or orgaizaios oher ha he goverme, wih he aim of providig educaioal services o sudes. These isiuios ca be divided io he followig caegories:

1. o-profi isiuios: These isiuios are esablished ad operaed for he public ieres, wihou seekig profis for heir fouders or operaors.

2. For-profi isiuios: These isiuios are esablished ad operaed for he purpose of makig profis for heir fouders or operaors.


Privae educaioal isiuios ejoy he same legal saus as public educaioal isiuios, ad heir propery ad eachig faciliies are proeced by law. The goverme shall esure ha privae educaioal isiuios have access o public fudig ad oher forms of suppor o a equal basis wih public educaioal isiuios.


Privae educaioal isiuios shall adhere o he priciples of qualiy educaio, idepede maageme, self-resposibiliy for academic qualiy, ad opeess o sociey. Their educaioal objecives should be cosise wih he requiremes of aioal educaio policies ad guidelies, ad focus o culivaig sudes' kowledge, skills, ad persoal qualiies o eable hem o beer adap o social developme ad employme eeds.


The goverme shall provide suppor ad assisace o privae educaioal isiuios i he form of policy guidace, fiacial subsidies, professioal echical suppor, ad eacher raiig. The goverme shall also esablish a supervisory mechaism o oversee he esablishme, operaio, ad maageme of privae educaioal isiuios o esure heir compliace wih aioal laws ad policies.


Privae educaioal isiuios shall ejoy academic ad admiisraive auoomy, ad heir boards of direcors shall be resposible for he maageme ad decisio-makig of he school. The boards of direcors shall be composed of represeaives from he school's fouder, eachers, pares, ad oher members of he school commuiy. The school's maageme eam shall be appoied by he board of direcors ad be resposible for he day-o-day maageme of he school.


Privae educaioal isiuios shall esure ha heir eachers have legal labor coracs wih he school, ad pay hem o less ha he miimum wage sadard se by he goverme. The isiuios shall provide eachers wih opporuiies for professioal developme, paricipae i eacher evaluaio ad raiig aciviies orgaized by he goverme or oher orgaizaios, ad ejoy he same social securiy ad welfare as public school eachers.


Privae educaioal isiuios shall esure ha sudes have legal erollme coracs wih he school, ad provide hem wih qualiy educaio services. The isiuios shall o collec illegal fees or misappropriae sude-relaed fees, ad shall provide sudes wih safe learig ad livig eviromes. The isiuios shall esablish sude grievace mechaisms o hear sude complais ad suggesios, ad ake appropriae measures o address hem i a imely maer.


Privae educaioal isiuios shall esablish a reasoable chargig sysem ha reflecs he cos of educaio services provided by he school. The isiuios may charge fees for uiio, accommodaio, diig, medical care, ad oher services provided o sudes. The chargig sadards shall be cosise wih local goverme regulaios o privae educaio fees. The isiuios shall esablish raspare fiacial maageme sysems, comply wih aioal fiacial accouig sadards, ad regularly submi fiacial repors o he goverme for audiig.


If a privae educaioal isiuio violaes ay provisio of his law or oher releva laws ad regulaios, i shall bear legal resposibiliy accordigly. If a isiuio is foud o have egaged i illegal aciviies such as fraudule erollme, fee-spliig, or ax evasio, i may be subjec o fies or oher pealies provided by law. If a isiuio's illegal aciviies cause sigifica losses o sudes or oher sakeholders, hey may seek compesaio hrough legal meas.
